Development of a self-drive 'Digital Health-check' tool

The Digital Challenge

Many of the UK’s trade unions have embraced the digital age in seeking to reach new and younger audiences, manage and improve their membership strategies and turbo-charge wider communication.  This is not yet the case everywhere however, and some have yet to meet data security requirements as effectively as they should.  As thought leaders in this area, the TUC digital team was keen to help and provide member unions (and others) with a toolset to measure their level of maturity across a range of categories: Strategic Approach, Membership, Communications, Web Presence, Data, IT and Systems.

Practical Support

Acert was engaged to assist in the development of a self-assessment, downloadable questionnaire matrix, seeking input from and testing ideas with a number of people from a range of unions.  The resulting tool covers 5 levels of maturity in 41 topic areas across 6 categories.  A total of over 200 multiple-choice statements allow users to select values best describing their current position on any given topic.  Spidergram charts are then automatically completed for each topic within the category, together with an overall summary chart for all six categories.  By making it downloadable rather than online, users can keep the results entirely private and share them only where, when and with whom they want.

Value to the Client

The TUC’s digital health-check tool was launched in late 2016 and has seen significant uptake, earning praise and providing measurable value to trades union strategists across the spectrum.